How to Get Your Griddle To the Proper Temperature

How to Get Your Griddle To the Proper Temperature

I always like to start by preheating my griddle on low.  From my experience, most griddles get very hot, so starting on low is the best bet.  

After about 10 minutes with all four burners on low I’m usually around 350 or 375 degrees depending on what the weather is like outside.  I try not to walk away from the griddle because I don’t want it to get too hot.   If you walk away for 15 to 20 minutes, you could come back to a 450 degree griddle which is not ideal for let’s say pancakes. If 375 degrees is my desired temperature, then I watch it and right when it gets to 375  I start putting my food down.  Putting the food down could drop the temperature a bit or just hold it steady at your desired temperature.  Then as I cook I continue to watch the temperature and adjust accordingly by turning some burners up and even turning some burners off.

What’s on this Page


Turning Off Burners

Cooling Down with Water


Begginner Griddle F.A.Q

How To Season a Griddle

How To Clean a Griddle


Free Griddle Begginers Ebook

Complete Begginers Guide To Griddling Ebook

Another trick to getting the proper temperature on a four burner griddle is to not use all of the burners.  Sometimes I’ll just turn on the middle two burners to medium or medium low.  The heat will still push out to the two outside burners so they will be warm but not hot.  I will then use that as an area to keep food warm.  For example, let’s say I was doing peppers and onions for a chicken quesadilla.  I might do the peppers and onions first, then when they are almost done move them to the outside warming area.  They can sit there staying warm but not cooking while I cook my strips of chicken in the middle which is still hot.  

Finally, don’t be afraid to use water to bring the temperature down.  Water is obviously great for melting cheese and used for cleaning your griddle at the end.  However, you can also use your squirt bottle of water to bring the temp down if it is just too hot.  I do this a lot on breakfast cooks when I’m trying to do my eggs.  Often times I’ll have all the meat, potatoes, and pancakes done and when it’s time to do the eggs last my griddle will still be too hot.  I will squirt down some water in the area where I want to cook my eggs and this actually serves two purposes.  First, it will clean that area so your eggs will be nice and pretty and not covered with black bits of food.  Second, it will bring the temp down to where we want it so the eggs will not burn or get too brown.  

Getting to the proper temperature is the first step to creating delicious meals on the griddle.  

The best way to do that is to purchase an infrared thermometer.  You can grab them from your local hardware store or off Amazon with this link (affiliate link). 



Watch My Video on Temp Control


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